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Iliana Guzman Blanchet y Eduardo Bacallao Carrasco
Calle 3ra (tercera) #36, e/4ta y Final, near the Entronque (junction) of Jaguey-Giron and bus stops. Local playa and fishermen's bay both 2 mins. walk away. Tel. (45) 98-7254 cell 54 11 51 97

[Also in this central part of Batey Caleton : Casa Frank, Ameris y Felix, Mirta Navarro]
Casa Frank's parents on the same street, the retired couple (he an Ecoinomist, she a PhysEd teacher) offer two air conditioned bedrooms with ensuites.

Bedrooms both have two double beds and private bathroom in a pleasant place with a bar attached to the large cocina, a large dining room and comedor and indoor patio, close to the village center.

Rates: 20-25cuc per room per night; meals, laundry service

The beach in Caleton  © sogestour

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photos © sogestour

MÀJ 15.01.2015