“A person of good intelligence and sensitivity cannot exist in this North American society very long without having some anger about the inequality — and it’s not just a bleeding-heart, knee-jerk, liberal kind of a thing — it is just a normal human reaction to a nonsensical set of values where we have cinnamon-flavored dental floss and there are people sleeping in the street.” George Carlin
On iPads and tablets, use the Puffin browser to enjoy all our features - such as the above menu. AppStore link >AppStore

Logo Habana Vedado

Cementerio Colon © Questier, Creative Commons
"More than ever I am grateful every day that I don’t live in the United States."
Conner Gorry, US-Born Habanera - >Here<

Established in 1871, Cementerio (Necropolis) Colon spreads over 56 hectares (140 acres) contains 500 tombs, chapels, vaults and family plots. The Habaneros wanting to make a wish come to pray at the grave of Amelia Milagrosa (Amelia the Miraculous). Corner Zapata and 12. Photos here. Detailed map by Moon here.
Museo de Artes Decorativas, with Eastern European art from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Absolutely sublime, unparalleled in taste. (The lady was filthy rich !) Calle 17, corner of E.
Galeria Haydee Santamaria, is now Cuban HQ of Brown University which started a program in 2007, along with Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt. (Source) Calle G, between (e/) Quinta y 3ra.
Casa de la Amistad
, fabulous building with bar, cafe, boutique, terrace, restaurant, musical evenings. Paseo 406, between 17 and 19.
Casa de ICAP (Cuban Institute for Friendship among Peoples), another nice building with bar, cafe, boutique, terrace, restaurant, musical evenings. Calle 17, e / H y Y
Museo Napoleonico re-opened in 2011, the collection of "Sugar Baron" Julio Lobo. Calle San Miguel, corner Ronda.
Plaza de la Revolucion its tower, its museum, its vistas and its two larger-than-life revolutionaries.
The Universidad de la Habana and its calm campus with stunning buildings and busy campus.
Hotel Nacional : its lobby, inviting swimming pool (25cuc for the day including a burger) and its neighborhood turistica (Coppelia, Habana Libre, Yara cinema).
Café Cantante mi Habana, avenida Paseo, corner 39 (7) 878-4275 Live shows, meals and bar 16h-21h and 23h-06h
The area of the intersection of Calles 23 y 12 with the Cinemateca, truly affordable restaurants, the arts center, galleries and cinemas.
Vedado & Casas Parks, Streets
Around 23 and L Plaza Revolucion Casas
Culture & Casas Central area details
Quinta de los Molinos open after 7 years restauration
Beatles producer George Martin (1926-2016) visited John Lennon (1940-1980) in the Vedado park dedicated to the most famous of the Fab Four. You may say they were dreamers but they were not the only ones. © Cristobal Herrera/AP/SIPA


Los Tres y El Futuro - Kids celebrating Dia Marti in Plaza de la Revolucion, January 27, 2015 © Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times
José, Fidel, Ernesto and El Futuro - Celebrating Dia Marti in Plaza de la Revolucion, January 27, 2015 © Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times


Get high at Parque Lenin over some of its 1800 hectares of green spaces, theme park, golf course, train ride, lake, restaurants, bars and galleries © felixmenard.com
Here's a 26-point walking itinerary with English-language descriptions - you can join anywhere. Just click for the PDF for your tablet or to paper and go ! © recorridos por la habana - ENLARGE MAP HERE

Viazul bus terminal is in front of City Zoo with some 16 daily departures to all points all over La Isla Grande, aka Cuba.

HAVANA BIKES : this 5-minute video has won more prizes than Lance Armstrong.
HAVANA BIKES : this 5-minute video has won more prizes than you have toes. © clark & vivanco
KMilo 100Fuegos (Camilo Cienfuegos) s'affiche lui aussi plus grand que nature
Probably the busiest intersection in Cuba : the Rampa (23), corner of L where some famous landmarks meet : the old Hilton, more aptly named Habana Libre, the park where Coppelia staff serve tons of ice cream each week and the 2000-seat Yara cinema where most movies of the yearly Festival are shown — as are World Cup Futbol games © robin thom photography ]• KMilo 100Fuegos (Camilo Cienfuegos) who now appears larger than nature like the Che with Camilo's famous words of support for Fidel's 1959 speech in the same plaza : « You are doing fine, Fidel » The two revolutionaries reliving side by side since october 2009

The Universidad and its quiet campus. © sogestour •]• Centro de Estudios Che Guevara opened in 2006 near the zoo and Viazul bus terminal © sogestour
Centro de Estudios Che Guevara opened in 2006 near the zoo and Viazul bus terminal - dedicated to "the most important man of the 20th century", according to philosopher and author Jean-Paul Sartre © sogestour ]The Universidad and its quiet campus. © sogestour

The Minint (Ministry of the Interior) with the Che's face — made with railway tracks donated by the French Government © Floating Rabbit on flickr•]• Plaza de la Revolucion, its tower, Jose Marti Museum, its vistas : here on April 16 2011 during the March of the People © roberto suarez, cubaenfotos.blogcip.cu
The Minint (Ministry of the Interior) with the Che's face — made with railway tracks donated by the French Government © Floating Rabbit on flickr]• Plaza de la Revolucion, its tower, Jose Marti Museum, its vistas : here on April 16 2011 during the March of the People © roberto suarez, cubaenfotos.blogcip.cu

Sketched by JR from Texas, a building along one of many lovely Vedado avenidas © James Richards •±• Hotel Nacional in its very turistica neighbourhood © sogestour
Un edificio de dos pisos along a lovely Vedado avenida © James Richards ]• Hotel Nacional in its very turistica neighbourhood © sogestour


CASA DE LA AMISTAD of the ICAP (Cuban institute of Friendship), bar, cafeteria, boutique, musical events.

Son and salsa music 6 nights a week in a lovely Italian Renaissance-style garden.

Paseo 406, between 17 and 19.

Casa de las Americas where Art and Literature are promoted
Art and Literature at their best. Calle 3ra (tercera), corner G


Must-see, reopened Spring 2011 with 7400 unique pieces.

World-renowned personal collection of sugar baron Julio Lobo.

Calle San Miguel, corner Ronda — by the university campus.

MUSEO DE ARTES DECORATIVAS, European and oriental art of 16th to 20th century. Extraordinary casa of hugely rich Countess of Revilla Camargo, née Mella.

Calle 17, corner E.

21 y J

Open-air market, 8am-4:40pm Mon-Sat, 8am-noon Sun >
Calle 21, corner J(oh-ta)
Cementerio de Colon, built in 1871
Built in 1871, spread over 56 hectares (140 acres) with 500 vaults, mausoleums, chapels and family plots.

Like Cubans, make a wish on the tomb of
Amelia la Milagrosa (the Miraculous).

Corner Zapata and 12.

Cuba Libro is Havana's first English-language bookstore (and coffee house and literary café) "supporting Cuban youth to help them envision a future in Cuba, rather than on foreign shores". Click photo for more. Calle 24 corner calle 19 Open Mon-Sat 11h-20h Locate on this map. BEST SELLING BOOKS OF 2017 IN CUBA : LIST
Half of that say the anticubanistas & usual facistas
One whole million say we - Lotsa peaceful gentes attended the PAZ SIN FRONTERAS concert, on September 20, 2009 at Plaza de la Revolucion © ISMAEL FRANCISCO/AFP/Getty Images on www.boston.com web site. Page > here <

Alamesa, Cuban restaurant data base

In the finally restaured Quinta de los Molinos park, one can find a basin, lots of plants (used to be the Botanical Garden) and many Habaneros sharing good breathable air with birds and butterflies - over 4.8 hectares (half a million square feet). From Thursdays to Sundays, there are 5cuc pp guided tours. See you there at 10 am on the dot.
You'll find it on Salvador Allende, entre Montoro y Luaces © recorridos por la habana


Cuatro Caminos, the capital city's largest produce market © sogestour

Alicia Leal, Estudio de Intimidad, 2009 •[• Alicia Leal Encuentro 2009
Aspuru family tomb door, Cementerio Colon © frederick, questier.com

Praying for a calm sea at Ricardo Martinez y Familia, Cementerio Colon © frederick, questier.com

]Atelier, shows at 23h30, disco follows, calle 17, corner 6; on Sundays between 4 and 8 p.m. ] Discotemba for Habaneros (and tourists alike) who just wanna dance (to recorded music from the 70's and 80's) and have fun. A place where foreigners looking for chicks should not be welcome ] Barbaram, son the way we like, Trova type. Not dear but far, calle 26, e/45 y 47 ] Café TV, shows and karaoke, decor celebrates Cuban TV history, packed weekends, 17 edificio FOCSA, e/M y N ] Casa de las Americas, concerts early evening weekdays, 3ra (Tercera), between G y F ] Casa de la Amistad (see above), shows on the terrace, 5cuc ] Café Fresa y Chocolate, inner court of ICAIC, rock and marginal groups. Calle 23, e/10 y 12 ] El Gato Tuerto, famous with intelligentsia in 70's and 80'. Now filin, jazz and bolero music speak with their notes. Calle O #14, e/17 y 19 ] El Gran Palenque of the world-famous Conjunto Folclorico Nacional de Cuba. HQ of the rumba. Matinees on weekends. Calle 4 #103, e/Calzada y 5ta ] El Karachi, at midnight pop meets rap. Techno on Sundays, 16h-21h. Calle K, e/15 u 16 ] Huron Azul / UNEAC (Union of writers and artists of Cuba), 17h-2h, trova, son and rumba. Calle 17 #351, e/G y H ] Bar-Club Imagenes, traditional and bolero shows from 23h, bar and restaurant. Calle Calzada, corner C ] Jazz Café, HQ of Chucho Valdes, Irakere and the like, 20h and 23h. Disco follows. Galerias del Paseo, corner 1ra ] La Fuente, mini bar and garden on calle 13, corner of Los Presidentes (Calle G). Cheap ] Las Bulerias, español decor, dancing on musica cubana, Midnight to 4h, calle L e/23 y 25 ] Las Cañitas at the Habana Libre : salsa bands, disco, jazz. Muy popular. Calle 23 corner L ] Opus Bar, top floor of Amadeo Roldan, conversations with a view. Calzada, corner D ] Conjunto Folclórico - Patio de la Rumba Calle 4 e/Calzada y 5ta. Cuban dancing in its unique roots : Africa Tel. (7) 830-3939 Shows on Saturdays in the open air patio. Get there early, not a large venue.

(International/Fusion); El Atelier (Signature); La Casa (Fusion/Sushi); Havana Chef (Spanish); Razones (International); 3D Bar (Snacks); Sancho Panza (International); El Beduino (Arabic); Fabio Ristorante e Pizzeria italiana, Pastas 5,25-6,50cuc; Pizzas 3,50-6,25cuc calle 17, corner of J; open 12 to 12 Ground level : bar (takeout) and dining room; upstairs is chic & pricey, a bit "tourist-trappy". Tel (7) 55-3716 La Torre, on top floor of Edificio Focsa, quite dear, calle 17 and M; Union Francesa, on the ground floor, first floor and roof (for grilled specialties) of a colonial casa, calle 17, corner 6, across "Parque John Lennon"

[Full (belly) list here]
::: Since January 2021, the CUC (Cuban Convertible) currency no longer exists. ::: Bring cash Euros or US dollar$ because Cuban banks and Foreign Exchange Bureaus (CADECA) will only exchange your money for the only local currency - the CUP ($1 = 24 CUP) which might be useful for local stuff; get all the details here. ::: Make sure that in your first email or phone call you specify that you want to book a room in that particular casa and that you will reconfirm your booking on arrival in Cuba. ::: So as to not abandon expecting owners with empty rooms, reconfirm (or call ahead to cancel) your booking by phone as soon as you can after arriving in Cuba ::: Please write or phone a casa owner to cancel a booking. As late as it may seem, it allows them a chance to rebook. ::: Children under the age of 16 may share a bedroom with adults for free. Specify the child's age when booking. ::: At the end of the casa name, the V signals the casa was suggested by travelers or owners but not verified by the website staff. If you try it and like it, write us about it. ::: Unless otherwise mentioned, prices have gone up due to huge demand, so you can expect where we write 20-25€/US$ the average room rates and service prices to be : 30-35€/US$ per bedroom per night [up to 45€/US$ for more than 2 in a room]; breakfasts 5cuc, dinners 8-15€/US$. ::: Any casa particular anywhere in Cuba must have a hot water shower, otherwise it cannot have a permit to rent ::: Please share your Complaints, comments & suggestions webmaster [@]cubacasas.net

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• From Canada and the USA : 011 53 (+ phone # preceded by 7 for Havana) • From Europe, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Mexico : 00 53 (+ phone # preceded by 7 for Havana) HOW TO DIAL A CUBAN PHONE NUMBER HERE ••• CELL PHONE NUMBERS on our town lists and casa pages are preceded by 05 for calls originating Havana; from anywhere else in Cuba, dial 01 + the 8 digits of the cell.

BOOK BY EMAIL : Click on logo to open a message addressed to that casa in your email application; or right-click to copy address. Spanish vocabulary here.
Click photos to see each casa's page and description. Locate casas on Center of Vedado map here or this map (Plaza de la Revolucion).
See all casas in sequence.

Move to next casa by clicking this logo.
Three-bedroom colonial, ensuites, two patios

Calle Valle 212, e/Mazon y Basarrate steps from Parque Aguirre three blocks from Universidad. Locate on this map. Tél. (7) 873-3470

Two large bedrooms, each with ensuite
Calle 21, # 360 appartement 2-A upstairs (elevator), entre G and H, corner of avenida de Los Presidentes. Tel. (7) 832-5846 cel 52 91 76 85 Locate on this map.

Two-bedroom apt : kitchen, living, dining ...
Calle J # 255, ground floor, entre Linea y 15 near a produce market, front of bakery, near Coppelia, UNEAC, Museo de Artes Decorativas. (7) 832-7480 or cell 52 92 23 91 Locate on this map.

Upstairs, two br's, ensuites, + two br rooftop apart
Calle Concordia 965 (altos, upstairs), e/ Infanta y Bazarrate, close to the Universidad and Coppelia park (ice cream place). Tel. (7) 879-6851 cell 52 93 04 10

Casa Angela
Four br's, three baths, two floors + roof terrace
Calle D# 555, apto 3 (upstairs, altos), entre 23 y 25, facing Parque Mariana Grajales. Locate on this map. Tel (7) 833-1438 cell 52 89 78 13

Upstairs bedroom with independent entry
Calle B, no 716, upstairs (Altos) entre 29 y Zapata, Plaza de la Revolucion some 15 mins. walk from the Malecon. Tel. (7) 830-4682 Locate on this map.

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Two-bedroom apartment, private bathrooms
Calle San Juan Bautista # 74, entre 35 y 37, Nuevo Vedado, near the Plaza de la Revolucion, behind the must-see Cementerio. Locate on this map. Tel. (7) 833-4348

Two aircon bedrooms, private baths
Calle San Rafael 1217, entre Mason y Ronda (which goes round the Universidad). four blocks from the famous Cine Yara. Locate on this map. Tel. (7) 878-3604

www.particuba.net •|• Habana Vedado • Ana Elia y Mary

Two bedrooms each with private ensuites
Calle San Rafael 1165, entre Mazon y Basarrate in neighbourhood of the Universidad. Locate on this map. Tel. (7) 878-6865

Ground floor one-bedroom apart, living room
Calle 15 # 305, entre H et I, close to Malecon and near hotels Nacional & Habana Libre. Locate on this map. Tel. (7) 836-3954 cel 52 83 25 32

Three ac bedrooms, two baths, patio, bbq, pool
Calle 13 # 1361, entre 24 y 26, 5 mins. on foot from Malecon, near hotels Riviera and Melia Cohiba. Locate on this map. Tél. (7) 860-0848 cell 52 73 28 77

Two ac br's, ensuites + upstairs apart w/terrace
Almendares 110, e/ Bruzón y Desagüe, close to Parque Quinta de los Molinos. Tel. (7) 870-0664 Locate on this map.

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Upstairs two ac bedrooms, shared bath
Calle Bruzón 123, entre Luaces y Montoro about 5 mins. from Plaza de la Revolucion; one min. walk from Quinta de los Molinos on Carlos III. Tél. (7) 878-4574 Locate on this map.

Upstairs indep. two-bedroom apartment, kitchen
Calle Ronda 5, upstairs, e/ Neptuno (and San Lazaro) y San Miguel, about 20 m from the main entrance of the University. Locate on this map. Tel. (7) 641-6673

Two aircon bedrooms, private baths
Calle B No. 705, entre 29 y Zapata, Plaza de la Revolución, near the Teatro Nacional. Tel. (7) 833-9151 Locate on this map.

Two aircon bedrooms, private baths
Avenida 19 de Mayo #5, e/ Ayestaran y Amezaga, in the Plaza de la Revolución area, some 40 meters from main Omnibus terminal. Find on this map. Tel. (7) 879-3119 cel. 52 64 56 07

Upstairs, two aircon bedrooms, private baths
Avenida 20 de Mayo 426 (a 13-storey tower), esquina (corner) Amenidad in the Cerro area, overlooking the Latinoamericano stadium. Locate on this map. Tél. (7) 870-8809 cell 52 83 45 54

2nd floor, one ac br, ensuite
Calle N # 408 (Edificio America), apto. 201, e/ 27 y Jovellar, two blocks from Habana Libre and also two blocks the other way towards the entrance to the Universidad campus. Tél. (7) 878-1452, celular 52 90 29 85

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Third floor apartment, kitchen, one ac bedroom
Calle 25, #164 apto 304 e/Infanta y O, overlooking the core of the tourist area. Locate on this map on right side, near Casa Museo Abel Santamaria. Tél. (7) 260-7397 cel. 54 36 30 98

Ground floor, three ac br, terrace, modern
Calle 32, # 863 e/26 y 41 Nuevo Vedado, 200 m from the Zoo and the main Viazul bus terminal. Tél. (7) 882-0732, cel. 52 49 64 64

Two ac bedrooms, ensuites, terrace
Calle N, #203, e/19 y 21, in the middle of the tourist center (Hotels Capri and Nacional, Yara, Coppelia). Tel. (7) 835-4030 cel. 52 74 65 58

Two-bedroom apartment or two indiv ac br's
Calle 19 #376 apt 8-B (8th floor), e/G (Avenida de los Presidentes) y H, three blocks from Hotels Presidente and Habana Libre. Tel. (7) 832-3209 cel. 52 72 21 89 or 53 60 33 39

Two ac bedrooms (one sgl, one dbl), ensuites
Calle 3ra (Tercera) 574, apart 4, third floor e/ 8 (ocho) y 10 (diez), two blocks from the Malecon. Tel. (7) 835-6557 


Cuba Travel (CT), DuMont Reiseverlag (DR), Eyewitness (DK), Gallimard (ET), Footprint (FH), Frommer's Easy Guide (FG), Insight Guides (IG), Lonely Planet (LP), Michelin (MC), Moon Handbooks (MH), National Geographic (NG), Nelles Verlag (NV), Petit Futé (PF), Rough Guide (RG)
::: CT : Maria Cristina &amp; Guillermo, Ines, Jesus y Saida Valdez, Cary, Lydia y Felix, Casa Havana, La Casa de Ana, Alicia Beaton, Nora, Ese, Ivon de los Angeles Acosta ::: DK : Casa Lilly, Mélida Jordan. Central Yard Inn, Vedado House Cultural ::: DR : Residencia RC, Central Yard Inn, Casa Delvis ::: ET : Armando Guttierez, Jorge Coalla Potts, Marta Vitorte, Melba & Alberto ::: FH : Alicia Horta, Betty y Armando, Daysie Recio, Gisele Ibarra, Jorge Coalla Potts, Martha Vitorte, Mercedes Gonzalez, Casa Capri (Eugenia y Rudel) ::: FG : Artedel, Cachita Abrantes, Carlos Pena Avila, Delta Torres Pagan, Jorge Coalla Potts, Lilly, Luis Alberto Gomez Garcés, Maria Elena Matos Fernandez, Norma Alvarez Bustio, Teresita, Vedado House Cultural, Villa Celia ::: IG : Betty y Armando Gutiérrez, Jorge Coalla Potts ::: LP : Central Yard Inn, La Colonial 1861, Casa de Ana, Marta Vitorte, Mercedes Gonzalez, Doña Loudes, Lizette, Amada Malecon, Casavana Cuba ::: MC : Iliana Garcia, Betty y Armando, Zoyla Zayas Ulloa, Hostal Silvia ::: MH : Jorge Coalla Potts, Mercedes Gonzalez, Casa Fraga, Enrique y Mirien, Eddy Guttierez, Marta Vitorte, Elaine Colonial, Casa Blanca, Mayra Sardain Pina ::: NG : Armando Gutiérrez, Jorge Coalla Potts, Marta Vitorte ::: NV : Maribel y Luis, Migdalla Caraballé Martin, Frederico Llanes, Casa Colonial Prisca ::: PF : Angela Muniz Rubio, Blanco Jorge y Montejo Lisett, Camilo Martinez Finlay, Cubita, Elaine, Rita Paula, Chez Fragnol ::: RG : Aurora Ampudia, Aide, Leydiana Navarro Cardoso, Magda, Mélida Jordan, Central Yard Inn 190218

::: TA (100+Eval) : Flamboyan (240), La Casa de Ana (1010), CasavanaCuba (763), Casa Antigua (256), La Casa Amador (330), Petronila (205), Hostal dSoto (196), Alex B&B (100), Mylena y Otto (149), El Almendron Rosado (177), Jorge Coalla Potts (157), Casa Diana (152), Casa Colonial Zaiden (127), Hosteria Cartacuba (251), Lilly (290), Royal House (118), Casa Viel (116), Haifa y Pavel (117), Abalidia (114) 010518


244 km / 151 miles

10 km / 6 mi.

25 km / 15 mi.

102 km / 63 mi.

65 km / 40 mi.

335 km / 208 mi.

140 km / 87 mi.


Content & photos © Sogestour

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